Formcreator plugin for GLPI is a plugin which allows to create custom forms of easy access and also one or more tickets or changes when the form is filled. Today we are happy to announce the release of Formcreator plugin version 2.8.4

Want to know more about how it works? Find the answer in our blog post

Bug Fixes

* dropdownfield: restrict item types assignable to ticket
* dropdownfield: unwanted single quote escaping when rendering target ticket
* form: anonymous forms don’t load JS
* form: duplicate question conditions
* form: import of form category with single quote
* formanswer: better restrict list of formanswers
* formanswer: more permissive READ access to formanswers
* glpiobject: make items searchable easier
* install: useless columns in schema of fresh installation
* install: database schema inconsistencies between install and upgrade
* install: inconsistency between install and upgrade
* install: move columns in some tables
* install: possible upgrade issue
* install: upgrade to 2.7 misses range for select and text area
* integerfield, floadfield: avoid integrity checks in parse AnswerValue
* issue: missing status for all statuses
* locales: drop unwanted file
* question: handle cascaded show/hide conditions
* selectfield: select field cannot support range
* tagfield: show in saved answers the tag names
* tags: bad tag filter when selecting tags for target ticket
* target_actor,change_actor: fix duplication
* targetticket: fix tags handling
* targetticket,targetchange: fix not rendered fields
* targetticket,targetchange: remove HTML code tag
* targetticket,targetchange: remove more code tags
* wizard: form categories may show when they are empty
* wizard: inconsistency between helpdesk and service catalog


ldapfield: allows to create conditions to show questions or not depending on the content of another question of LDAP type

Downloadclick the link.