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Press releases
Christian finishes the EmbrunMan race 2023!
At Teclib’, we believe that in life, it’s important to chase your personal dreams. This helps you grow as a person, feel satisfied, and discover more about yourself. One of our employees at Teclib’, Christian, had a dream: he wanted to participate in the Embrunman...
GLPI makes your business grow and evolve! We are happy to start sharing success stories from GLPI official partners and customers. Company: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (The Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain), GLPI customer...
Some weeks ago, we released a beta version for GLPI 10.0.0. Many of you have tested it and reported issues in this version, and we thank you for these reports. Today, we release a new release candidate archive with a lot of additional fixes for...
Blog posts
Check out the new minor version GLPi 9.1.1!
The new minor release of GLPi 9.1.1 includes improvements and bug fixes, such as: fix security issues on API fix 9.1 upgrade issues (missing indexes andrights) fix network ports import fix webcal/ical export in the new planning fix overriding of template...
Barcelona, considered a capital city for innovation
The Spanish Newspaper La Vanguardia, has recently published an article about Barcelona and the region of Catalonia, in the sector of innovation. Barcelona is a dynamic driving force in the field of new digital technologies and scientific output. The latest report of...
Training Sessions GLPi & ITIL by our Gold Partner ServiceDesk
Servicedesk, specialist in IT solutions and Gold Partner of Teclib’ for GLPiNetwork, organizes a full training on GLPi and ITIL. The program will focus on ITIL processes, Helpdesk functions, configuration and set up of GLPi, advantages of Linux, plugins that...
Stay tuned with the last Teclib’ News!!!
Following the rebranding of Teclib', the social networks of each product (GLPi Network, Kimios DMS, Flyve MDM, Armadito Antivirus, Uhuru Mobile) have been updated. The main goal of these social networks is to enable Teclib’s open source solutions to gain...
F.Ragolski World Paragliding Champion of 2016
"The 2nd FAI World Paragliding Aerobatic Championships came to a successful close today at Lake Annecy in south west France. An impressive seven solo and seven synchro runs were flown over 7 days from 26 August to 3 September, giving the 34 pilots from 16...
F. Ragolski – Paragliding Championship 2016
Teclib' is proud of its champion François Ragolski, currently leader of the world paraglading championship after 5 days of competition! 2 more days to hold on! Good luck! You can access the mini documentary that was broadcasted on TF1 Channel (in France). Check...