A while ago Microsoft and Google announced they would close basic connections for IMAP mailboxes on their services Office 365 and Google suite:
- https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/basic-authentication-and-exchange-online-april-2020-update/ba-p/1275508
- https://gsuiteupdates.googleblog.com/2020/03/less-secure-app-turn-off-suspended.html
The current crisis has made them to postpone the deadlines of termination to 2021, but starting from October 2020, in particular for Azure / Office, new accounts will have the “basic” authentication disabled by default (it will be possible to re-enable it until next year).
To overcome this upcoming eol, we developed a mini plugin available for GLPI community, which allows to create an oauth connection to their services.
It lets you to declare an oauth client from a list of suppliers and then use this client in your mail collectors:

You can now download this plugin via integrated marketplace of GLPI 9.5 or from the plugins catalog.
If you wish to obtain official support and want to secure your GLPI instance, don’t hesitate to contact us using this form or purchase online here: Services.